
Welcome to the new home of my novel, "Harbinger of Secrets." Here you will find everything I have to offer about writing this book, its inception, the creation of the characters, the plot (well, almost) to reviews and readers' comments. The posts consist of what I have learned while writing this novel, hints, tips, the great things about self-publishing - and there are many - to selling your book online. The Pages to the left will remain static. Stay for awhile and browse around and don't forget to come back. You can also sign up for email notifications and an RSS feed.


            I am indebted to Bill and Margaret McGeown, Jane Hatcher, and Dr. Elspeth Cameron for their sage advice, encouragement, and unwavering support from the beginning. My thanks are due to Bill and Margaret McGeown, John and Diane Cook, Bill and Susan Phillips, Ian and Dorothy Irvine, and Sigrid Christianson for the early readings of the manuscript and for their ongoing encouragement. 

            My thanks are also due to Dr. George Park, Dr. James Proudfoot, Margaret (Meg) Taylor, (former nurse, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London England), and Dr. Ian Irvine for their professional expertise and for making sense of the various medical methods of the 1940s. To Captain Jonathan Mercer (Holland America Line) I owe thanks and appreciation for his friendship, his anecdotes, and sharing his vast knowledge of all things nautical. My deep appreciation and thanks are also offered to Alan and the late Margaret (Maggie) Smith (2007) of Ipswich, England, for their incredibly detailed assistance and advice over the years, especially with regard to aviation. 

            I am also grateful to Meg Taylor and Alan Smith for reading and critiquing the final manuscript; to Dina Theleritis of In Folio Editing and Indexing for the editing of Harbinger of Secrets; to Allison MacIntosh and Ryan Izokaitis, graphic designers extraordinaire, for the book’s cover design; to Allison MacIntosh for her painstaking care for all text designs and typesetting, and my sincere thanks as well to Nancy and Ray Elder for author’s photograph.

            There were many along the way who inspired me to ultimately finish writing this novel. To all of them, I am equally grateful.

            Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude, thanks, and love to my husband, Roger, and our daughters, Ellen and Stephanie, for allowing me to freely pursue the writing of this book when it seemed the days of research, writing, and editing would never end.

Rosalind Went